Synopsis: Captured in a daring raid by ex-CIA agent Eric Mathews (Robert Ginty - THE EXTERMINATOR, EXTERMINATOR 2), the merciless terrorist hit-woman Samira (Sandahl Bergman - CONAN THE BARBARIAN) is brought to the U.S., where she undergoes experimental brain surgery. Transformed into an unstoppable bionic warrior, she returns to the Middle East, where she obediently wipes out all of her former comrades. But when a malfunction reactivates Samira's human memories, she launches into a frenzy of cold-blooded vengeance.
As she methodically terminates her CIA adversaries, only Mathews can halt her murderous onslaught! Directed by Allan Holzman (FORBIDDEN WORLD), PROGRAMMED TO KILL (a.k.a. THE RETALIATOR) is a gripping, futuristic action thriller that also stars James Booth (AVENGING FORCE) and a young Paul Walker (THE FAST & THE FURIOUS franchise).
Disc Specs:
Rated R | Color | 91 minutes | Region A
Video - 1080p Widescreen (1.85:1)
Audio - English 2.0 Mono (?)
- NEW! Audio Commentary by Director Allan Holzman, Moderated by Filmmaker Douglas Hosdale!
- NEW! Interview with Screenwriter Robert Short!
- Alternate Opening Title Credit
- Theatrical Trailer (Newly Mastered in 2K!)
- Reversible "Retaliator" Art and Spine!
- Limited Edition O-Card Slipcase!
We are truly living in a golden age where almost anything is likely to get a Blu-ray or 4K UHD release, including obscure stuff that vanished after VHS went bust. So even if it isn't all that great (it at least has to be better than R.O.T.O.R., right?) I'm happy to see PROGRAMMED TO KILL getting a second chance at finding an audience over three decades after its theatrical release! Also known as THE RETALIATOR, this sci-fi actioner is currently available on Blu-ray from Kino Lorber Studio Classics and should cost between $15 - $18! Snap up a copy now from AMAZON, BULL MOOSE, DIABOLIK DVD, or get it directly from KINO LORBER!
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